We are now accepting new members for the 2025 Season! Permits for the 2025 season can now be purchased through this system by clicking the join online button below: Purchasing your Permit
To help us more efficiently manage the club and communicate with our members going forward, we are now using a fishing club management software platform called Clubmate. You will need to enter your details to create a Clubmate account. If you provided your email address to us last season, then we may have already created a Clubmate account for you. In this case, follow the ‘Already got an account’ link on the screen, enter your email and continue to follow the onscreen prompts to set up a password and log in to your account. Once you have logged in, select ‘Start a New Membership’ and choose the appropriate permit option and enter your details. You will also be required to take a ‘selfie’ photo of yourself during this process. Please ensure that you take a clear photo of yourself as this will be used for identification purposes by club bailiffs and will replace the need for an ID Card for the 2025 season. Once all your details have been updated, click on the ‘Pay Now’ Button and enter your card details to process your payment and secure your permit for the 2025 season. You can access your Clubmate account at any time via the llandeiloangling.co.uk website or you can download the ‘Clubmate App’ on the App Store or Google Play. Joining online via Clubmate is our preferred option and as long as you have a valid licence this will allow you to start fishing as soon as the season begins on April 1st. If for some reason you are unable to purchase a permit via Clubmate, please contact us at [email protected]. Lastly, if you had a permit with us last season, please remember to complete your catch return. You can fill your catch return out quickly and easily online by following the link below. https://www.llandeiloangling.co.uk/member-catch-return If you have any queries, please let us know by emailing [email protected]. On behalf of the management committee, we hope that you are looking forward to the upcoming season and we wish you tight lines. Cymdeithas Pysgotal Llandeilo Angling Association |
Cymdeithas Pysgota Llandeilo Angling Association
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Copyright © 2025 Cymdeithas Pysgota Llandeilo Angling Association